Commercial 95 WP is a combination of the robustness of Commercial 95 with an excellent transparent waterproof coating applied to one side.

With a shade factor ranging from 76.8 percent for brighter colors to 95.6 percent for darker hues, the fabric filters up to 97.7 percent of UV rays.amusement park shade

Waterproof Shade sail fabric is made using a monofilament and tape construction, in contrast to our regular shade sails. The base material is UV-stabilized HDPE with a UV-stabilized LDPE coating.

Because they don’t decay or collect moisture, our waterproof shade sails require very little care because they clean themselves in the rain.

Seating Center Post Shade UmbrellaFor commercial applications where all-weather cover is required, waterproof shade sails are perfect.

  • It is noticeable that the waterproof material comes in a restricted color selection and costs roughly 30% more than regular fabric.
  • Suggested To allow rain runoff, install with maximum tension at an angle of 20 to 40 degrees. If not, rainwater can gather in the shade and compress the material like a sack. The shade has to be adjusted to a steeper angle or tightened. Additionally, confirm that there is nowhere for water to collect that could impede water from flowing off.
  • More work on design.
  • Larger footers and a heavier steel post to support the weighty cloth.

The following are some excellent uses for a waterproof sail:

  • Office building entrances: Keep staff members dry and shaded from the sun outside the workplace! Sails that are waterproof are ideal for awnings and entryways.
  • Bus stops and outdoor waiting areas: Waterproof sails work well anywhere people congregate to “wait.” These offer shelter from the rain and the sun.
  • Restaurants: Waterproof sails are a good idea for outdoor dining spaces or restaurant entryways. Waterproof sails have been employed by many customers to expand the dining capacity of their restaurants.
  • Playground and picnic spaces – Waterproof sails are ideal for covering portions of a park or school playground. For most playground applications, a combination of normal and waterproof sails is what we advise.