At Creative Shade Solutions we offer customized options for full shading, including shade for larger play areas, visitor seating, and more compact outdoor grooming stations.

Shade structures are made of commercial 95 fabric, which has a number of benefits including affordability, durability, lightweight, and ease of installation.

In addition to lowering temperatures, these shade structure can be great for any doggie daycare or park because they will shelter the furry friend from the outdoors UV rays while also preventing overheating, which is a critical worry.

They are well-liked at dog parks and other outdoor recreation locations because of their usefulness and affordability. We provide a wide variety of typical shade structures, but we can also create solutions specifically for each dog park.

We offer customized options for full shading, including shade for larger play areas, visitor seating, and more compact outdoor grooming stations. Shade structures are made of commercial 95 cloth, which has a number of benefits including affordability, durability, lightweight, and ease of installation.


Since your pets are considered members of your family, Creative Shade Solutions offers a selection of shade sails and structures to keep your dog cool and dry.


Some styles that are commonly found in dog parks include:

  • Shade Sails
  • Hip roof.
  • Cantilever
  • Hexagon & Octagon
  • Shade Kites
  • T style
  • Umbrella
  • Shade Wings
  • Custom Shade

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us for more information.